Saturday, August 31, 2019

Haroun and the Sea of Stories Closed Reading Essay

So Iff the Water Genie told Haroun about the Ocean of the Streams of Story, and even though he was full of a sense of hopelessness and failure the magic of the ocean began to have an effect on Haroun. He looked into the water and saw that it was made up of a thousand thousand thousand and one currents, each one a different colour, weaving in and out of one another like a liquid tapestry of breathtaking complexity; and Iff explained that these were the Streams of Story, that each coloured strand represented and contained a single tale. Different parts of the ocean contained different sorts of stories, and all the stories that had ever been told and many that were still in the process of being invented could be found here, the Ocean of the Streams of Story was in fact the biggest library in the universe. And because the stories were held here in fluid form, they retained the ability to change, to become new versions of themselves, to join up with other stories and so become yet other stories; so that unlike a library of books, the Ocean of the Streams of Story was much more than a storeroom of yarns. It was not dead but alive. (Rushdie 72) In Salmon Rushdie’s’, Haroun and the Sea of Stories various themes are explored presenting numerous arguments to the reader. One of the main themes within the novel is the importance of stories. Within the passage above Salmon Rushdie presents the changing nature of stories and their ability to become new versions of themselves, this is explored through the use of literary devices. These techniques allow interpretation of the themes, present Rushdie’s ideas and further engage the reader. Some of the techniques used within the above passage are; third person narrative, repetition, synonyms, sentence structure and metaphor. The above passage is key to Rushdie’s story, Haroun and the Sea of Stories and its themes as this is when Haroun is first introduced to the Sea of Stories. Haroun is challenged to make a decision between two wishes; to have his mother come back or for his father to regain his lost story telling ability. Failing to make either wish due to his eleven minute concentration, a result of his mothers departure, Haroun is possessed with a â€Å"sense of hopelessness and failure†(pg 72). These feelings foreshadow future angst Haroun will feel and overcome about the Sea of Stories and its potential destruction. The use of third person narrative can be seen throughout the novel and passage. This allows the reader to be an onlooker to the story, a gain a more informative view of the story, allowing them to see numerous points of view rather than just one. Within the passage third person is used to engage the reader and distance them from the immediate situation while still allowing them to observe the beauty described by Iff the Water Genie. Examples of third person within the passage are â€Å"Iff explained† and â€Å"Iff the Water Genie told Haroun. The passage portrays the nature of the sea and sets up the context for the oceans future with the use of repetition. The idea of change is presented; throughout the passage with the idea of stories being simple is challenged, uncovering their true complexity, detailing how the water is â€Å"made up of thousand thousand thousand and one currents, each of a different colour† (pg 72) and how stories have the ability to join up with one another and to become yet another story. This represents the idea that everything can change and nothing is susceptible to it, this can also be seen throughout the novel. Change can be seen through the repetition of the word ‘different’. The ‘different colours†, the â€Å"different sorts of stories† and the â€Å"different parts of the ocean†. The repetition of the word is used to present the reader with the full potential of the ocean and its changing magical ability. Within the novel the sea can be seen to change from something possessed with magic and beauty that inspired many to something toxic and sickly contaminated that affects numerous people and their health. Repetition of the ocean being alive and personifying the ocean, can be seen through the passage. The passage personifies the ocean by talking of its playful nature of the currents â€Å"weaving in and out of one another† and its ability to change, as it has a mind of its own. The last sentence within the passage states â€Å"it was not dead but alive† the use of short sentencing emphasised its point and indicates its importance. However this short verse changes the mood of the passage, the reader is confronted by the abrupt word â€Å"dead† this single word changes the tone of the sentence and explores that along with the capability to be alive there also is the capability to be dead. This foreshadows the next passage and the future of the ocean. Within the passage the metaphor of the ocean being a library is emphasised, it states that it is â€Å"the biggest library in the universe† this metaphor is used to try and example the extent of the sea and how many stories it possesses, connecting it to a familiar idea for the reader. However the metaphor is later contradicted renouncing the oceans likeness to a library of books due to the fluid form of the stories and their changing nature and ability to become new versions and to join up with other stories. It presents the ocean to be much more. This is revisited throughout the novel, exampling how the ocean is â€Å"much more† and how it is a health source to plentimaws fish, directly impacting them as the ocean becomes more toxic, as well as a way of life to all members of gup city. In the passage synonyms are used to help emphasis the key points an example of this is the synonym ‘change’ and ‘new versions of themselves’. These synonyms are used to indicate the importance of the oceans changing ability allowing the reader to assess how it is important. This concept is seen to be a key point of the passage and one of within the novel. The synonym of ‘not dead’ and ‘alive’ are used to stress the importance of the Sea of Stories, by stating its alive nature, the impact the sea has on others throughout the novel can be seen, to those who feed off it and keep it pure, for instance the plentimaw fish. The passage seen above is made up of four sentences; three extended and one truncated. The use of sentence structure is important as it seperates the ideas of the passage. Both the magic and splendor of the Sea of Stories and the realisation of it being â€Å"not dead but alive†(pg72) are seen within the passage. Extended sentences are used to describe the magic of the ocean an its ability to effect others, in the passage it is seen to effect Haroun, as he has a sense of hopelessness and failure however from the magic of the ocean Haroun is affected and changed. With the use of extended sentences the Sea of Stories is described by Iff the Water Genie. The reader is presented with the imagery of the water and its numerous colours, forever moving, weaving and how it is constantly changing into something new joining with other stories. This description paints a picture to the reader allowing them to imagine the true nature of the Sea. The second last sentence of the passage describes how the sea is ‘‘much more than a storeroom of yarns’’ as the stories are fluid form, holding the ability to become other stories, new stories. This allows the reader to interrupt the importance of the sea. The final sentence is made up of six words â€Å"it was not dead but alive† these few words hold great power as within the short sentence the reader is confronted with their meaning. Both the emotive words and change in tone, the reader is left questioning is there something more, with the words foreshadowing the future of the sea. The first and final sentences of the passage are seen to interlink as the effect the ocean has on Haroun creates a sense of obligation for him to help fight to fix the ocean and to keep it alive. Within the passage above form is seen to produce meaning. This is done through the use of literary techniques, the use of these devices allow the purpose of the text to be seen. The meaning of the passage is to example change, the good and bad, and to portray the importance if the Sea of Stories to the reader. The passage and its form also hold meaning the novel as it describes the sea and illustrates its magic.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Life of Pablo Friere

Based on the demands of our educational system, our society is forced to conform to the level of education that they want us to be at. This educational distortion is beneficiary to the educator's realm and the way of governing education . We are seen as merely objects rather than subjects and are fed only facts/information that the educator only wants us to memorize not actually comprehend it or even ask questions or give our opinions to given facts/information. This is what makes the educator the oppressor and us the oppressed. Paulo Freire's â€Å"Pedogogy of the Oppressed† deals with the concept of oppression in the school system and suggests an alternative method of education. There is an absolute need for students to â€Å"Tear down the wall† (Pink Floyd) of conformity in education and express their individuality. Education in itself can be a contradiction. The teacher (oppressor), is there to educate/teach the student (oppressed) but is he really? As Freire indicates â€Å"Narration (with the teacher as narrator) leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated content. Worse yet, it turns them into â€Å"containers,† â€Å"receptacles† to be â€Å"filled† by the teacher. The more completely she fills the receptacles, the better a teacher she is. The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, the better students they are.† (67). He also goes on to say â€Å"Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiques and makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat.†(67), and he refers to this as the â€Å"banking system† where the student goes â€Å"only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits.†(68). This â€Å"banking system† method of teaching, really is not teaching the student(oppressed), but rather they are given facts/information by the teacher(oppressor) that they do not fully understand, and so there really is no learning. Also the â€Å"banking concept† holds the student down because he is told what to learn, and he is not allowed to work to his full capacity. It is because if this that the student lacks â€Å"creativity, transformation, and knowledge in this (at best) misguided system.†(68). If this type of educational method keeps on, then there will be no change, therefore the minds will be filled with facts/information that the student will not always understand. This â€Å"banking concept† method of education also keeps a restraint to knowledge for the student to a certain level because it doesn't give the student initiative, motivation, and drive to actually go out and want to learn. In other words this isn't the way to go about education. As Freire states â€Å"This solution is not (nor can it be found in the banking concept. On the contrary, banking education maintains and even stimulates the contradiction through the following attitudes and practices, which mirror oppressive society as a whole:†(68). They are as follows: â€Å"(a) the teacher teaches and the students are taught (b) the teacher knows everything and the students know nothing (c) the teacher thinks and the students are thought about (d) the teacher talks and the students listen–meekly (e) the teacher disciplines and the students are disciplined (f) the teacher chooses and enforces his choice, and the students comply (g) the teacher acts and the students have the illusion of acting through the action of the teacher (h) the teacher chooses the program content, and the students (who were not consulted) adapt to it (i) the teacher confuses the authority of knowledge with his or her own professional authority, which she and he sets in opposition to the freedom of the students. (j) the teacher is the Subject of the learning process, while the pupils are mere objects.†(68-69). Freire suggest that the educational system use an alternative method of teaching. He calls this â€Å"problem posing† education. Freire goes on to say â€Å"Those truly committed to the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead a concept of women and men as conscious beings, and consciousness intent upon the world. They must abandon the educational goal of deposit-making and replace it with the posing of the problems of human beings in their relations with the world. â€Å"Problem-posing† education, responding to the essence of consciousness-intentionality-rejects communiques and embodies communication.†(74). Freire suggests that the students(oppressed) must break free from this system of things and liberate themselves and free their minds. â€Å"Problem-posing† is an excellent way to break free from oppression in our educational system. Freire suggests that â€Å"Indeed, problem-posing education, which breaks with the vertical patterns characteristic of education, can fulfill its function as the practice of freedom to overcome the above contradiction.†(74). The oppressed, once free, experience their world, and as a result question it. This is where they break free from oppression and begin the journey to freedom from this restricted educational system that Freire calls â€Å"banking system†. Freire also mentions that â€Å"Problem-posing education, as a humanist and liberating praxis, posits as fundamental that the people subjected to domination must fight for their emancipation. To that end, it enables teachers and students to become Subjects to the educational process by overcoming authoritarianism and an alienating intellectualism; it also enables people to overcome their false perception of reality. The world-no longer something to be described with deceptive words-becomes the object of their transforming action by men and women which results in their humanization.†(79). In other words, based on the â€Å"banking concept†, students are told what to learn and expected to learn it. Being told what to learn creates a necessity to rely on an authoritative figure not only in school but also in life, and reject responsibility. This is what the â€Å"oppressors† want, the â€Å"oppressed† who rely on authority and reject responsibility because that puts everyone under some form of power, and the â€Å"oppressed† are then prepared for the next oppressor. The educational system needs â€Å"problem-posing† methods of teaching because it makes the student becomes a critical thinker, and not only that but no longer becomes an object but rather a being who can share ideas with the teacher. In that fashion of education the teacher could also learn from the student and all can give different input on a given subject. This would allow each student to break the mold and become individual thinkers who can express their knowledge in different ways. Overall the methods used for teaching are very inadequate. Instead of telling the students what is to be memorized, the teachers should apply problem-posing techniques to get the students learning themselves. Once this teaching method can be applied, students shouldn't actually just rely on the facts/information given to them but rather go out and seek and find out for themselves the truth and reality of all things. Everyone Is able to share their ideas and can learn from each other. I feel that Paulo Freire does an excellent job in making us aware of the reality of things in our educational system. I agree with the fact that we should have more of the problem-posing method of teaching, because it will not only involve us and make our ideas heard but will actually expand our way of thinking.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Factory Farming

December 4, 2012 Factory Farming With the rising population growth in the United States, food production has greatly changed. Factory farming was developed in the 1920's; soon after the discovery of vitamins A and D, these vitamins were added to the feed, eliminating the requirement for exercise and sunlight for growth. But what exactly is a factory farm? Factory farming is the dominate source of livestock food for the U. S. Harsh and cruel conditions are inflicted towards the animals which are confined in small cages, the factorys are inhumane and morally wrong.Simply put, it is a farm that runs like a factory. The dangers of this kind of agribusiness inflict not only the animals but the environment, communities and our health. Should factory farming be banned? The government refers factory farming as; concentrated (or confined) animal feeding operations (CAFOs). So what are the conditions of these ‘concentrated animal feeding operations? These facilities house hundreds or tho usands of cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other animals that live in extremely stressful conditions.They are confined in small cages, Jam packed in rooms with little to no room to move around or lay down comfortably. They are fed drugs to fatten them faster and keep them alive in conditions that could otherwise kill them. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are used to make the animals grow faster or to produce much more milk or eggs than they naturally would. (Sorensen, 2009) When animals raised for food are large enough for the slaughter houses they are transported in crowded trucks with often no water or food. The animals that survive this grotesque trip are often slaughtered alive.Practices such as altering animals bodies are common in all factory farms, practices such as; debeaking, A process that nvolves cutting through bone, cartilage and soft tissue with a blade to remove the top half and the bottom third of a chicken's, turkeys or ducks beak. Thi s measure is taken to reduce the excessive feather pecking and cannibalism seen among stressed, overcrowded birds in factory farms (ASPCA). So why aren't factory farms banned? There are many reasons as to why these facilities flourish in the United States and other countries. Factory farms are an efficient way to produce food for the large demand of meat, at a low cost.The large amount of Jobs it entails. They also ensure that huge cities will always have food. Factory farming has also promoted the development of vital amenities like good roads and hospitals among others (Harri). Corporations such as McDonalds and others alike are some of the largest consumers of the factory farming business. Without these farms it would be difficult, or impossible to provide chain restaurants with the amount of meat necessary in order to run efficiently. The people, we nourish this business by our desire for low priced food. Are these advantages actually positive or are we overlooking past the down sides?The number of factory farms in the U. S. s undefined, but according to the Factory FarmMap. org; in 2007 there were 571 ,210 livestock units in New Mexico. New Mexico nas extreme levels ot dairy tactory farms. One of them being along interstate 10 southeast of Las Cruces, there are 30, 000 dairy cows on 11 back to back dairy farms. How are factory farms dangerous? Factory farms pollute our land, air, and water by the extreme amount of waste generated by the vast amount of animals being raised in one place. Land and water have been poisoned by decades of use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers for mass production of livestock feed.According to the New Mexico Environment Department (Burnett, 2009); two thirds of the state's dairies are contaminating groundwater with excess nitrogen from manure leaking from lagoons or being over applied to fields. Nitrous oxides are being released from farms in large quantities due to manure application and are among the leading causes of aci d rain (Grace). Can we ban factory farming? It is irrational to think factory farming can be banned, although changes can be made. We can bring awareness to others about factory farming, and by buying local organic food at either farmers markets, or organic produce stores. Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada> Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada>

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Electing Judges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Electing Judges - Essay Example ready served before, my decision will dependant on how fairly the judge has been operating and whether or not he has previously based his decisions in compliance with my believes. The president is responsible for the selection of the chief justice of the US courts. The president should take various factors into consideration before the selection of the chief justice. In the past, those individuals have been able to obtain the seat of chief justice who was representatives of the President’s political party (Segal 182). Secondly, presidents even elect chief justices on the basis of their opinion; those justices who shared similar opinions as held by the president have even been assigned to the seat of chief justice. Justices have even been elected for the position of chief justice on the basis of experience and seniority. I believe that chief justice should be selected by considering how fairly he has been operating in his judicial holdings and whether he/she has made biased to unbiased decisions in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Accomplishment as an Acquired Skill in Life Essay

Accomplishment as an Acquired Skill in Life - Essay Example I have done my best to become an outstanding clinical dentist. I do my best to make sure that their visit is as painless as possible and they walk out feeling at ease. While some dentists try to stick with old methods, techniques and procedures because it keeps them in their comfort zone of practising dentistry, I like to think beyond to ensure that my patients have access to the utmost in technological advances and procedures to maintain their dental health. While some do not accept challenges to learn how to do new procedures or step outside their boundaries, I do. Through my work as a managing dentist for two large dental corporations, every day I go outside of my boundaries, trying to learn more about new methods and procedures, whether it be through hands-on experience or through attendance to several classes and seminars to master all aspects of clinical dentistry. There is always room for improvement. Another one of my greatest accomplishments is when I had the opportunity to participate in the Doctors Award program in which doctors were outsourced to provide care outside of the clinic. In my case, my goal was to help youth learn more about dental health. Other dentists, as well as myself, went to different area elementary schools to screen children for cavities and additional hygiene-related diseases, even cancer. Unfortunately, many children do not even have the opportunity to visit a dentist for an annual check-up so it was a pleasure to offer my services free of charge to teach them how important it is. It was as rewarding to me as I hope it was for them. Later on, this program was adapted into a standardized program in which all school-aged children I southern California are to now be screened for oral and dental hygiene health or deficiencies.

Isms Related to the film Waking Life Assignment

Isms Related to the film Waking Life - Assignment Example An appreciation of the influences of surrealism, Dadaism, and expressionism as reflected in the film Waking Life should begin with an appreciation of the distinguishing features of the three isms. In general terms, films that embrace the aspect of surrealism will often tend to portray certain cinematographic techniques in unnatural, and bizarre, unrestrained, and nearly superfluous representations to capture the essence of the subconscious potential. This is usually meant to uncover the hidden truths and potentials that are naturally restrained by the conscious processes. The reliance on the subconscious to create new meaning and expand on old realities requires a determined shift from the usual order, which is synonymous with the conscious world. In this film, the film director employed multiple techniques to achieve the aspect of surrealism (Linklater 67). The visual and audio techniques of the film evoke a sense of strangeness that dislocates natural truths as known in the physica l world. By representing characters and situations in dreamlike worlds, the director achieves the purpose of aligning the aspects of reality in distorted forms. There seems to be no established order and the representation of the physical forms is generally distorted or, in some cases, altogether formless. The representation of these aspects of reality might be considered as one of the primary considerations of the director in his desire to engage the subconscious processes of the mind. The discussions that take place in this film are generally aimed at emphasizing on illusory realities, which are held as supreme and limitless. For instance, the protagonist eventually floats to oblivion at the end of the film. He is lifted by indescribable forces and appears to have finally transited into the dream world and woken up from the illusion of the physical world in line with the reflections that dominate the film. It might be necessary to regard this aspect of floating as the ultimate tri umph of the super-real over the real. Paranormal feelings and actions are brought out in the reflections and actions of the film to unleash the full potential of the subconscious processes. The use of light and colour also contributes to the development of the surrealistic features of the film. There is little balance in colour, which makes the representations to appear incongruous and altogether indescribable. In this manner, it makes sense to consider this film as the ultimate representation of alternative forms of existence that can be achieved by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. Dadaism has very close relationships with surrealism and is usually regarded as the parent idea from which surrealism emerged. Dada art usually seeks to unsettle aspects of reality in ways that does not make sense within the conventional systems. Both surrealism and Dadaism emerged in Europe after the periods of war as a rebellion by artists to the ways of thinking that culminated into the chaos (Elger 71). They were embraced as the antithesis to the dominant systems of thought. Dadaism would embrace mediocrity, nonsense, and outlandish qualities to expand on the various aspects of reality. It would be important to regard these forms of art as encompassing the entire

Monday, August 26, 2019

A selected annotated bibliography on Edgar Dega's Singer in Green Research Paper

A selected annotated bibliography on Edgar Dega's Singer in Green - Research Paper Example Degas illuminates his subjects from below. Shckenkel also argues that Degas has depicted his artistic knowledge using coarse hatchings that suggests the existing backdrop behind the singer herself. According to this author, Degas had a deep meaning behind this style of art. He says that the subject matter of the Artist mainly represented the modern approach. He also states that Degas had a great interest in the portrayal of romance as a major theme of his work of art. His intended message of this image is also facilitated or backed up by his claim that Degas had absorbed her artistic tradition outside people’s influences and later reinterpreted them in various innovative and inventive ways. He created and came up with a lot of information from a single work of art. From the art, it is evident, according to the author that Degas did an experiment with various techniques, thus breaking up the existing surface textures with hatching. He also contrasted the dry pastel with a wet o ne. Degas used watercolors and gouache in the softening of the contours of the figure. Degas, in this concept, is seen as an experienced artist in the use of colors to decorate hi artworks. He uses vivid yellow, orange, and turquoise, which area all features of saturated hues and complementary colors with which other several artists in his circle began to experience during the mid-1880s. The posture of the picture shows that Degas used the modern artistic styles. It is actually the same as the current postures taken by most live performing artists. Reff, Theodore. The Pictures within Degas’s Pictures. Columbia: Columbia University Press, 2004. Print. Theodore affirms that Degas applied Venatian art in the creation of the picture. His painting styles with the use of several colors are an indication of the use or application of the mentioned art that was popular during the mid-1860s. He says that the appearance of the picture was because of various works of other artists such a s Tintoretto, Giorgione, and Veronose. Like other works of Degas such as Finding of Moses, Theodore asserts that most of the art styles used in the picture, were that of Tissot who wrote to him, â€Å"L’Assomtion du Titien m’a laisse froid-le Tintoret de Saint- Marc piquant une tete m’a bien†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Theodore goes ahead to explain the history of Degas artistic knowledge that he used in the making or compilation of the picture. He says that the knowledge on the use of colors in the decoration of the picture came from Venatian first, before it; Tissot got it and later shared it with Tissot. He says that, through this, Degas managed to create the picture that was remarkably varied in styles and subjects. The skills he gained through these early artists also helped him come up with juxtaposition in photos. He asserts his beliefs in the existing relevance of modern art. To verify the issue of modernity, Theodore talks of the realism of European paintings and th e artificiality of the Japanese prints. The curving of the hand in the picture, the paintings, the textures and the posture, are all original works of other artists during the renaissance era that was adopted by Degas during the creation of the artworks. Reff, Theodore. Degas: A master among Masters. Columbia: Columbia University Press, 2001. Print. In this article, Theodore still discusses the styles that Degas used in the picture. He talks of many aspects of the pictures, in terms of its composition and making styles. She refers to one of the known and popular statements that Degas made

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Buying Verses Renting A House - How Will One Choose Essay

Buying Verses Renting A House - How Will One Choose - Essay Example Possessing a home frequently binds up hundreds of thousands of amount that may be spended more securely and more profitably somewhere else over the next decade. And whilst property brokers or dealers might disgust to admit it, home possession engages its own descriptions of fling money away, like assets taxes and the costs of scrounging. The study illustrates main costs and profits of possessing and renting, together with tax breaks - and possessing a home nowadays is more luxurious than renting (The Economist, 2005, Issue 8416). There are perceptibly turnovers to home possessions further than the monetary criteria, like serenity and a feeling of constancy. Proprietors cannot have their home pulled away by a property-owner who has assured to shift back in. Owners can also alter the paint of their living room walls or place doors or windows without asking any authorization. Merge these paybacks with the contractual expenses of a house sale, and renting almost certainly does not make wisdom for most people who previously own their home and feel established in it. But the computation can look fairly diverse for those who are in view of moving anyhow or who do not up till now own a home. At the least, renters in bang markets, who frequently mourn that they are wasting wealth, should be familiar with that their option has as influential a financial justification as buying does at present. (The Economist, 2005, Issue 8416) In U.S a 1,000-sq.ft, two-bedroom apartment on the rental fee is for about $3,700 per month. Purchasing a comparable apartment cost approximately $1.1 million, which can decode into monthly expenses of $6,000 or accordingly. To evaluate the cost of renting, the analyst summed up monthly rent and renters' cover. For possessing, the analyst incorporated particular costs for home insurance, main repairs, assets taxes and credit payments, as well as the tax subtractions they generate. This evaluates that owning is more expensive every month; therefore purchasers are gambling completely on price admirations. (Buying Or Renting A House, Online, P1) But to countless people, the psychosomatic profits of purchasing are more or less not possible to conquer. Possessing makes them sense that they have attained a dream come true, or it gives them the protected sense that, if not anything besides, they have a concrete asset where they can slumber in darkness. These are pleasant thoughts, certainly. The question is how greatly they are meaningful to you. Advantages And Disadvantages - Buying Or Renting A House Breathing in one's personal home is an essential part of one's dream. However, scores of people hold fallacy about the monetary features of purchasing and possessing a home. It is for eternity healthier to purchase a house; paying rent is like driving money along the drain. For decades, such suggestion has confident communities to have a loan like mad to get on the possessions ranking at earliest. But as one observes around the world House prices are at present at very high levels in comparison to rents in a lot of parts of the world and at this time, it over and over again makes more monetary sense, particularly for first-time purchasers, to rent out instead. Home purchasers are liable to undervalue their cost. Formerly maintenance costs, insurance and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Read the instruction Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Read the instruction - Coursework Example The territory that is not accepting immediate sunlight encounters winter. The phases of the moon correlate with the Earth and sun position. These stages incorporate new moon, where a large part of the moon confronting Earth is dull thus, one cannot see the moon from Earth because the sun is not lighting the side of the moon. The second stage is waxing sickle moon where light starts to enlighten the moon could be seen on the right, and the bright part is beginning to get greater. The third stage is the first quarter moon where 50% of the part of the moon confronting Earth is lighted on the right side. We have a full moon where a whole a large portion of the moon confronting Earth is lighted with completely lit loop. Disappearing gibbous is an alternate type of moon stages with three-quarters of the moon confronting the Earth is lighted on the left side. Last quarter moon is the large part of the piece of the moon confronting Earth is lighted on the left side. Finally, we have got fading sickle moon whereas the measure of light on the moon diminishes, we ag ain see a little piece, yet this time it is on the left (Spiller, 13-17). The Earth is among the nine planets that spin around the sun and make up the earths planetary group. It is around 150 million kilometers from the sun. The Earth that is characterized by dynamic surface that is always showing signs of change. The moon is a little rough satellite of Earth, having around one-quarter the distance across of the Earth and one-eighth its mass. The sun is a standard size yellow star of hydrogen gas that serves as the inside of our earths planetary society and as our wellspring of hotness and light. It is around 110 times the measurement of Earth and gives or takes 4.6 billion years of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Technical Efficiency of China's Banking Industry Literature review

Technical Efficiency of China's Banking Industry - Literature review Example Nonetheless, most economies have been able to exhibit resilience and remained stronger. Economic turbulences and dynamisms have affected different industries within various global economies. China’s banking industry has not been spared from such turbulences and dynamisms hence the need to analyze its technical efficiency. The following chapter provides a chronological description and critique of relevant theories in respect to technical efficiency within China’s banking industry. The chronological description and critical review entails empirical papers linked to the concept of the study. Different theories of efficiency with respect to technical efficiency are discussed within this chapter. 2.2 Overview of China’s Banking Industry China has being operating economic and financial system on the basis of social principles until 1978. Amazingly, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) had for a long time been in-charge of issuing currencies as well as being the fina ncial hub of all the economic plans of China. After 1978, China realized the need for serious economic and financial reforms. The objective of such reforms was to increase economic and technical efficiency of financial and economic sectors within the country (Jiang, 2001). Jiang (2001) adds that China aimed at enhancing resource allocation through such reforms. Albeit gradual, serious reforms were carried out in major sectors of the economy, banking being the main recipient (Adams, Berger, & Sickles, 1999). China decided effect the reforms in two main stages; from 1979 to 1992 and from 1993 to the present time. The first stage was characterized by development of two tier banking systems; People’s Bank of China (Central Bank) and four state-owned banks that included Bank of China (BOC), China Construction Bank (CCB), Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), and Commercial Bank of China (CBC). Despite high degrees of functional segmentations, these banks were permitted to accept depos its and offer credit facilities to households and corporate organizations by 1985 (China Daily, 2006). The first stage formed the basis of further reforms, which was characterized with development of small and medium sized commercial banks. The main reason for allowing entrance of commercial banks within Chinese banking system was to enhance competition, which was aimed at providing high quality and differentiated services and products (Jiang, 2001). Examples of small and medium commercial banks created during this period included CITI Industrial Bank, Guangdong Development Banks (GDB), China Merchants Bank (CMB), Hua Xia Bank (HXB), and China Everbright Bank (CEB) (China Daily, 2006). Notably, most of these commercial banks were joint-stock owned unlike the previously mentioned state-owned. The second stage, which was flagged off by State Council in 1993 saw various decisions made within the financial system reforms (Leigh and Podpiera, 2006). In this stage, the main aim was to enh ance c

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Scope and Definition of Evil Essay Example for Free

The Scope and Definition of Evil Essay The Chinese symbol, Yin Yang, have always amazed me. It has been believed to be a symbol of the balance of the forces of good and evil in the world. It speaks of the coexistence of good and evil; that each cannot overthrow the other or that one cannot subsist without the other. Thus, in the concept of evil and its meaning, it is only proper that good should come with it. But then, if we speak of evil, we are already implicitly speaking of goodness. Consequently, what then is the definition of evil? To what extent does the concept of evil grasp? In the first place, is there really such a thing as evil? Evil has so many definitions in the different contexts that it can invade. In Christian theology, evil is simply that which should not exist at all (Sharpe, 1909). Evil is the summation of all the opposition and negative events and situations that can render suffering to mankind. In popular Christian discussions, evil amounts to one thing, that is, the absence of good. This is somewhat in contrary to the concept that lies within the Yin Yang symbol. In relation to Christianity, other traditional religions claim that evil is an active force that drives anyone into doing acts of violence and any other deed that can jeopardize human life or life itself. Thus, terrorist attacks, torture and murder are some examples of the different forms of evil. In general terms, evil is intentional behavior or stimulation of others resulting to events that demean, dehumanize, harm, destroy or kill innocent people (Zimbardo, 2003, p. 3). It does not only include the very action of violence but also evil is something that urges one to do immoral acts that defame people. Furthermore, evil cannot only reside tangibly; it can also exist in the mind. Thus, evil can be regarded as a group of thoughts in one’s mind that plan to or wish to inflict harm or death to certain people. The nature of evil can be classified into three types. The first of which is physical evil that can cause bodily harm or harm to man’s properties (Sharpe, 1909). It is therefore physically evil to rob someone. It is consequently the same evil to shot someone. One very famous example of this type of evil is the September 11 terrorist attack on World Trade Center twin towers. Another type of evil is called moral evil. As its name implies, it concerns the principles that a person has or a particular society possesses. Moral evil encompasses the deviations and violations from the accepted set of beliefs that a person or an event causes. Such evil is observed in the tradition of cannibalism which is one of the many ancient practices that is condemned by the major religions of the world. In the modern times, an example of moral evil is the view of Christians against contraception. To the Roman Catholic Church, the use of contraception is moral evil. It violates the moral belief that only God can decide when or how one will have a baby. It violates the belief that though there is still is no physical evidence of a life in the tummy of a woman, life can already exist. The third type of evil is known as the metaphysical evil. This evil is very complicated since it does not speak of physical or conceptual evil in the sense that the two former types exist. Metaphysical evil does not involve human beings but rather the environment they live in and the things found in it (Sharpe, 1909). It is related to nature, plants, animals the elements of the world. Surprising as it may seem, we surely have encountered such. Pain, harm or damage inflicted to animals or anything comprising the things found in nature is evil. But it is not the same evil which can be regarded to human since no one can actually define the emotions and feelings, if such exist, of the things and creatures in the environment. Thus, metaphysical evil is only a representation of the evil that can exist in nature. Looking at the different types of evil, we would certainly perceive the relativity of its concept. The evil that a group of persons may consider can be considered good by another society. An act of violence condemned by others may be an act or heroism to some. Hence, there is no real line that separates the good and evil of the world. Who then has the right set of limitations regarding evil? Spinoza pointed out that due to this complication, evil can be judged by everyone according to what his or her conscience dictates (2005, p. 135). If so, then, there is no exact and distinguishing rule between what is evil and what is good. This may sound confusing. In extreme cases, it actually may be simple. If one is choosing between two things in extremes, such as life and death, surely, it will be easy to decide that death is evil and life is good. Nevertheless, if we look into more complex situations wherein the two choices are both good and still have to decide which is better and which one is not, it can be very difficult. In the same manner is when a person is confronted with two evil things where he has to judge the lesser evil. It is thus proper to state that evil is that which is the lesser good. In another explanation of evil, it is discussed as â€Å"knowing better but doing worse† (Zimbardo, 2003, p. 3). This may somehow simplify the issue of judgment. What is evil is what is deemed to be evil by one’s conscience. If a person’s mind speaks of an action as harmful, and yet the person continues to execute such endeavor, it is then considered evil. On the other hand, this opens the possibility that not all violence can be viewed as evil. If the person performing the act is not aware that what he is doing is a form of violence, then it is not evil at all. To be guilty of evil is to deliberately do an act of cruelty knowing it causes pain to other beings. Furthermore, deliberately doing a perceived evil and taking pleasure in it is far worse. Yet, can anyone be considered innocent of evil because of ignorance of it? In a different context, ignorance itself is evil since the idea of evil is that which opposes or negates. Another aspect that can be broadened in the concept of evil is the source from whence it came. In the book, â€Å"Augustine on Evil† by Gillian Evans, evil is asserted to come completely from a person’s will (1994, p. 98). In Christian theology, evil can be the product of Satan, also known as Lucifer, who somehow resolved to build his own empire. It is also believed that Satan’s kingdom is the world. It is therefore justifiable to state that evil can come from man’s will since man is of the world. Nevertheless, evil can also be due to the presence of good. How can one come into such a conclusion? In the earlier discussions, we have defined that evil is the absence of good. It is the counterpart of goodness. Thus, the existence of good can account for the existence of evil. Categorically, one can also say that evil thrive in society because pain and violence is visible. But then, violence and terror are products of evil. In sum, evil can ironically come out of good. Without goodness, evil cannot subsist. To further explain this point, let us take for example the existence of good people. The existence of good persons can attract what we consider evil since unconsciously, by being good, people become prone to abuse which can be a ground for evil actions. According to Alford, evil is an encounter with dread (1997, p. 3). But then, let’s get back to the Chinese symbol, yin yang. Observing it intently, we will see the equal line that differentiates the white from the black. It speaks of balance and justice between the two forces, if there is such a thing as justice between evil and good. For every evil that can transpire there is corresponding equal good that can come out of the situation. Further examination of the symbol will affirm that good cannot be intertwined with evil in a way of blending. There is no such thing as a grey idea of good and evil. If a thing is evil, it will remain evil though much of the modern people claim it to be otherwise. If it is good, then it will forever remain good. No evil can be completely evil because in the process, good will always sprout out. It is true, many of us have experienced evil in our lives but it is seldom realized that the hurts evil can bring to us is countered. With every evil experience, lessons are learned. Without evil, we will never understand and enjoy goodness, just as we won’t understand a smile if we don’t recognized a frown in the first place.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Moral Living Synoptic Question Essay Example for Free

Moral Living Synoptic Question Essay In this essay it is my intention to examine the theme of moral living within the Old Testament and the Celtic Church. Morality refers to ethical issues. It is the quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct. It is a system of ideas of right and wrong conduct. There are two interlinked themes of religious morality and social morality under moral living. The foundation of moral living within the Old Testament is the Sinai Covenant. Whereas, the basis of morality in Celtic Church is Saint Patrick; his moral base was always routed in his scriptural beliefs. Moses, for example, made a covenant with Yahweh on Mount Sinai, the principles from which are the foundation for the Judah Christian faith today, where he received the Ethical Decalogue (10 Commandments). As Drane states, â€Å"the commands were essentially moral requirements. Honesty, truth and justice were more important to Yahweh than the performance of religious rites.† Love of God and Love of Neighbour were the two commandments at the core of the Ethical Decalogue. The first three commandments central religious morality however, the last seven focus on Love of Neighbour and Social Morality. Winward states, â€Å"no man could be in a right relationship with God who was not in a right relationship with his fellow men.† The people of Israel had an obligation as the chosen people to obey the Ethical Decalogue. Abraham was called by God to give up his polytheistic ways. God promised Abraham that he would never give up on him. As Heinsch states, â€Å"he had to journey to a foreign land alone trusting in God’s guidance.† If Abraham fulfilled this request God promised him three things, Great Nation, Land (which was Canaan) and Protection. At this time, Abraham worshipped the popular moon god, â€Å"sin† and was to break with idolatry and become monotheistic. Epstein stated that, â€Å"Abraham turned to the service of the one and only God whom he recognised as the creator of heaven and earth.† Abraham’s love of the one true God and his change from idolatry reflects similarities with Saint Patrick. Patrick arrived in Ireland to a pagan country. The people of Ireland were idolaters in that they worshipped as many as 400 gods, with the main god being the Dagda (the father). The Celts held such things as the sun, trees, groves, water and birds to be sacred. Joyce states that they had the tendency to â€Å"find the divine in all of created nature.† Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland to transform the pagan people to monotheism. He wanted them to worship and love the one true God. Patrick adopted pagan practice to Christian tradition, for example, he changed the worship of the â€Å"sun† to the â€Å"son.† Patrick wanted the people to become monks and virgins for Christ. He advocated that true worship of God required to be newly baptised (converted from paganism to Christianity.) Patrick wanted the people to convert freely; they were never forced as the decision to become a Christian had to come from the heart. When Patrick left a place he made sure he left a building (church) to be used for communal worship. Like the Old Testament prophets, Patrick expected his ordained to be good role models to the people. Unfortunately in the Old Testament the religious leaders did not always do this. Ezekiel, for example, was to inform the people that God was going to hold the religious leaders responsible as they had led the people astray instead of encouraging them to worship only Yahweh. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the leaders, â€Å"shepherds have been feeding themselves, should not, you the shepherds feed the sheep.† In tandem with this, the prophet Elijah also had to deal with the people of Israel’s idolatry. He was aware that there was a lack of steadfast love due to the people worshipping both Yahweh and Baal (god of fertility.) Elijah challenged the people about this saying, â€Å"how long will you go limping with two different opinions?† The people needed to stop worshipping both Yahweh and Baal and were to only worship the one true God, Yahweh. Elijah had little sympathy for the people worshipping both Gods. He challenged King Ahab to a contest on Mount Carmel between Yahweh and Baal to determine who the true God is. Elijah had a great victory as Yahweh won, usually this would be celebrated but instead, Elijah went to Mount Horeb as he knew the people’s change of heart of Yahweh as the one true God was temporary and this was not good enough. True love of God was required. In line with this, Patrick also challenged the pagan people’s ways through their worship of Dagda and Lugh. It took a long time for the pagan people to convert to truly worshipping one God. Paganism continued to exist alongside early Christianity 100 years after Patrick. Amos spoke out about social injustices, he stated, â€Å"let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.† Amos spoke about respect for marriage, something which King David lacked. He had an affair with Bathsheba and committed the sins of lust, adultery and murder. He was punished for this as Yahweh was to â€Å"raise up evil against you out of your own house.† David’s son died as a result of his sins. Similarly, Patrick also showed a respect for life. He spoke out about injustices such as slavery and condemnation of wealth in his letter to Coroticus. Patrick respected women and this was reflected in the Letter to Coroticus. In L19 Patrick expresses his concern for women. The women were taken as captives, to be distributed â€Å"as prizes.† Patrick makes it clear that the fate of Coroticus and his men is to be â€Å"lorded over† for all eternity by those whom they regarded to be â€Å"barbarian Irish.† In L4, Patrick also speaks up against murder and slavery – he grieves for those captured and killed and calls the perpetrators themselves â€Å"captives of Satan† the punishment met out to them will be â€Å"external life in hell.† To conclude, Christianity is now one of the leading world religions and therefore the mission of both the prophets and Patrick was successful. There will always be a call for people to repent and convert to Christianity with a return to a moral life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Our Religion Does Not Define Us Theology Religion Essay

Our Religion Does Not Define Us Theology Religion Essay Our religion does not define who we are regardless to popular belief. Our religion is only a part of who we are if we let it. Not everyone that practices a religion knows everything about it or even accepts it. Some people have a religion just because everyone else has one, and most people have a religion because they were brought up in it. The human mind is easily convinced to do and believe things when it is young and fragile. As a child, you listen to your parents, obey them and learn from most things they do we stand on the shoulders of others to get to the next level (Fraklin). Most people choose their religion based on the religion their parents practiced. Our religion could affects many aspects of our lives depending on how deeply we believe in it; this includes the way we see others, the way we act, and the way we influence those around us. Our faith in our religion can always be seen in the way we live our lives, nevertheless it does not define who we are. As humans, we learn everyday of our lives, introducing us to new things which indirectly change our point of view on certain things in our lives; we begin to see things in different ways and accept somethings we thought was wrong but some people still somehow let their religion come in the way of how they see these things, even though they have a different op inion on some matters they feel like they are obligated to believe whatever their religion asks of them. For those who accept this changes, it could bring about a big difference in their life. I believe no one can tell what religion is right or wrong because no one knows everything. Most people like to be right in most situations, so whenever they are asked what religion is right, it is quite normal for them to say theirs is right. Not everyone tries to realize that the same way they think their religion is right could be the way another person sees his as the right one The easy confidence with which I know another mans religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also (Mark Twain). With what we know, religion might not even exist, which is why I believe that everyone should respect each others point of view on any situation God has no religion (Mahatma Gandhi), personally I think all that matters to God, if there is one, is the good and bad that people do. It is easy to t hink someone is wrong, when you think you are right even though you might be wrong. An example is the apology of Socrates. Socrates was a simple minded person who never thought himself to be more than he was. The fact that he acknowledge his ignorance makes him a wise person (Plato), most believers are ignorant of other religions, yet they believe their religion is the right one while others are not even though they do not know much of the one they criticize. Children learn most things from their parents and those around them. Growing up, children are taught what is right and wrong by their parent or guardian, and that helps them in deciding for themselves when they are adults. It is very common for a parent to take their children to where they worship, and as they grows they learn from their parents faith, making them believe in their religion. The reason why people rarely change their religion is because they grow in it and that makes it more of a lifestyle to them rather than something they learned. Most religions like Christianity has been made in a way that you are not allowed to question some of the things you might not agree with. Some of the stories and rules we learn from our religious books sometimes seem wrong and sometimes we might find some not quite sensible, but we have also learned that we have no right to question the things that happened in them, we just have accept it. The story of Job is one that should bring every Chr istian to question their God as to why he made a man go through so much, just to test his fate. Job was a faithful Christian, but he was tested by Satan with the permission of God; he lost everything he had and was terribly ill, with no help from anyone (The story of Job). Everything that happened to him is something no Christian would accept from any other person, it would not matter what reason they might have to do that, it will be considered bad, but when it is God that did this to a man just to test his faith, they are not allowed to question him. Even though Job went through a lot of things, he never questioned God. When believers feel angry towards God, most of them think it is a wrong feeling and they are not able to express themselves to other believers because they feel judged, guilty, and ashamed (julie and joshua). Every religious belief has its good and bad parts, some that we agree on and others that we dont, but the fear that has been put into us from when we were young is what makes us accept it even though we have other opinions. The fear of a god could make anyone do anything. The story of how Abraham is a great example. Abraham was willing to kill his only child because God asked him to do so, even though that was his only child and he knew he will never have any other child, he was still willing to kill his child And it happened after these things that God tested Abraham. And He said to him, Abraham! and he said, here I am. And he said, take, pray, your son, your only one, whom you love, Isaac, and go forth to the land of Moriah and offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I shall say to you (Abraham and Isaac). Despite how deep our faith might be and how well we understand a religion, we still put in our own interpretation to it just to make it suit us. Lailak ask ed are we supposed to interpret the Bible in our own way?. Lone77star answered that we all have our own path to choose, he explained by saying he had his own interpretation and would not want anyone to follow it blindly (hubpages). Not every Christian that reads the Bible understands it, and not every Muslim that reads the Quran understands it. This is the reason there are pastors and Islamic leaders teaching their religion. Even though this people are seen as the holy ones, they also interpret the religion in a way they see fit. Religion is not just one thing, it is a way of life in which people design for themselves; everyone has their own unique religion because we all see and interpret things in different ways. Some people believe they are Christians because they go to the church. This is simply their interpretation of being a Christian Anyone who thinks sitting in a church can make you a Christian must also think sitting in a garage can make you a car (Garrison. goodread), it d oes not matter how much a person attends a church or pray, it is their heart towards things that defines them. The actions they take and how they deal with things. The most annoying people are those who try to get people into their religion; this is basically asking others to think like they do and see things from their own perspective. Christians believe that God created humans And God created the human in his image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them (Genesis). Christians accept and believe this theory. In some way this affects their way of living because they think they owe their existence to someone. They live most of their life trying to please someone they have never seen Religion has convinced people that theres an invisible man living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesnt want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money (George Carlin). The misinterpretation of religion could lead to disagreement, conflicts and even death. When people have different interpretation of what their religion says, it is very easy for them to disagree on most things. Some Muslims have been killing for years, and they believe what they are doing is right. They believe they can do anything as long as they ask for forgiveness. Religion has caused most of the wars the world has ever known. God says we should love our neighbors has we love ourselves. Anyone could interpret this the way they want, some would say it means to love your family, and others might think it means to love everyone love your fellow as yourself (livneh). Some people believe in God just so they have someone to blame when they are in trouble When people experience traumatic or highly stressful events, a common response is to blame God (Julie and Joshua), to these people God is just a figure they run to whenever they are in trouble or need someone to blame for their own fau lts and weaknesses. They do not fully understand the concept of God, but they feel that they need him. Our religion does not define who we are, what makes us who we are is what we accept our religion to be, our interpretation of it, and the choices we make through them. The Bible teaches about loving one another love your fellow as yourself (livneh), this is hard sometimes because some people are just hard to love. No matter how you try to get close to them, they still somehow do not accept you. Some Christians are this way, even though the bible says they should love one another. The bible also mentions not having hate towards a fellow human you shall not hate your kinsman in your heart (livneh), yet there are several Christians who have hate in their heart towards someone in their family, and people in the church. Even though the law of the bible ask them to love and never hate, this does not define them.

Othello :: essays research papers

The story of Othello is a tragedy caused by love, money, and power. Othello was looking for love because he already had money, and power, and that snake Iago was looking for money and power. Iago was not concerned about love because heed rather have money and power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this story almost all of the main characters were either looking for love, money, or power. Othello ended up killing his love of his life Desdemona and himself, Othello loved Desdemona so much that heed rather murder her then have her sleeping with someone else. Iago on the other hand didn’t care about love because he just wanted riches and to be second in command of the army, his urge for power grew bigger as the story went on. Iago is the kind of person that will stab somebody in the back even if it’s his own friends and kill them if he had to, like he killed Rodrigo and was planning to kill Casio. Casio was kind of like the scapegoat for Iago because he wanted everything to be blamed on Casio and Rodrigo was his puppet. Rodrigo loved Desdemona too, and Iago promised Desdemona to Rodrigo so that Rodrigo would do anything he said.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To Iago this story was like a game to him, more like a strategy game. The way Iago manipulated his victims in to hating the person they loved most. Iago’s main objective was to kill Casio because he wanted to take his place for second in command of the army. Iago also wanted to sleep with Desdemona because he heard that Othello was sleeping with his wife. In the story Othello was convince by Iago that Desdemona was cheating on him with Casio this made Othello just go on and kill Desdemona. But I think it was also Casio’s fault because he too liked Desdemona a little. With this little love Casio had for Desdemona Iago managed to magnify it while Othello was hiding and watching. With this evidence the story unfolds and Othello kills Desdemona in addition to this death almost every character dies except Casio and that marks the end of Othello.

Monday, August 19, 2019

On Another’s Sorrow. Essay -- English Literature

On Another’s Sorrow. There is a strong religious theme running throughout this poem. Black uses the idea of sorrow to show, and how we deal with it to show the difference between humans and God. He does this by splitting the poem into two halves and looking at how a person and then God would deal with sorrow. Blake asks several questions, as it is in first person at this point I feel that it is Blake asking the questions, which are, ‘Can I see another’s woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see another’s grief, And not seek for kind relief?’ This is an example of Blake’s use for the rhetorical question, which stirs thoughts of how we cope with sorrow, which is shown when he asks, if I can not feel sorrow when I see another feeling sorrow?, and when I see another feeling grief can I not go and find relief from it? He answers this with ‘no it can never be.’ This then leads the reader to ask themselves where he will find this relief. Blake then in the second half of the poem shows that God is the one who you can seek relief in and who is there to help in t...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Spiritual Journey Essay -- Personal Experience Essay

My life is continually unfolding into a more global understanding of faith, religion and culture where I once thought all was wrong and evil if not strictly Roman Catholic. One of the ways I cultivate my outlook is to analyze the different ways people honor the dead. I can remember as far back as age four, getting my hair done and the whole family rushing out the door to get to Mass on Sunday mornings. My family who owned and/or rented five different homes on a typical Puerto Rican near-north side Chicago block, would all meet out in front at the van. I say van because my aunt/Godmother who has muscular dystrophy, had the largest vehicle due to her handicap. We all packed in and headed for either St Sylvester or St. Francis Church, depending on who made the decision that day. My great grandmother had the matriarchal front passenger seat. An uncle was driving, a few more adults behind that including aunts, uncles and my grandmother with all of us kids, nearly eight of us all to the rear. It was so hot with no open windows or air conditioning. Sometimes I thought we were on our way to hell. When we got there, we would have to sit quietly, stand, kneel, and repetitive combinations thereof, shake hands, a few songs then the final guita r-played song was the finale. The second part of the words, â€Å"La misa e terminado, dà ©nos gracias a Dios (The mass has ended, thanks be to God)† was spoken by us kids over and over while we giggled. It was then time to go eat. They were fun times where ‘El Dia de los Reyes(Three Kings Day)’ on January 6th was celebrated with many families singing in ‘paranda’ style groups throughout the Christmas season, going from home to home with traditional instruments. My parent... ...try, but I have been privileged to honor those from less traditional backgrounds such as Masons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim. Inside, I do feel sad when there is no spiritual or religious service prior to military honors. So, overall, my spiritual journey has been a winding and enlightening one to date. I am now more open minded and ready for progress in understanding and appreciating all religions alike, especially after this class. I want to visit India, Thailand and other places now. If they are fundamentally good, then they are not immoral, misguided or evil as I was once taught. After my confusing past, I am still seeking and searching for that one possibly perfect spiritual fit. Through deep soul searching, more education and continually giving back I will find it some day.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Essay

1. Define the following types of abuse: a. Physical abuse Physical abuse can include: hitting, slapping, pushing, pinching, force feeding, kicking, burning, scalding, misuse of medication or restraint, catheterisation for the convenience of staff, inappropriate sanctions, a carer causing illness or injury to someone in order to gain attention for themselves ( this might be associated with a condition called fabricated and induced illness ). see more:explain how a clear complaints procedure reduces the likelihood of abuse b. Sexual abuse Sexual abuse includes: rape and sexual assault, masturbation, indecent exposure, penetration or attempted penetration of intimate areas, sexual harassment, involving a vulnerable adult in pornography, enforced witnessing of sexual acts or sexual media, participation in sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented or could not consent or was pressured into consenting. c. Emotional / psychological abuse The emotional and psychological abuse includes: bullying, threats of harm or abandonment, ignoring, shouting, swearing, deprivation of contact with others, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, deprivation of privacy or dignity, lack of mental stimulation. d. Financial abuse Financial abuse can include: theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits. e. Institutional abuse The key factor in identifying institutional abuse is that the abuse is accepted or ignored by the organisation, or that it happens because an  organisation has systems and processes that are designed for its own benefit and not those of the people using the service. For example: People in residential settings are not given choice over day-to-day decisions such as mealtimes or bedtimes. Freedom to go out is limited by the institution Privacy and dignity are not respected Personal correspondence is opened by staff The setting is run for the convenience of the staff Excessive or inappropriate doses of sedation / medication are given Access to advice and advocacy is restricted or not allowed Complaints procedures are deliberately made unavailable f. Self neglect Self neglect is different from abuse by others, but it is still a situation that can place people at risk of harm and, potentially, place them in danger. People neglect their own care for a range of reasons of which the most common are: Increasing infirmity Physical illness or disability Memory and concentration problems Sensory loss or difficulty Mental illness and mental health problems Learning difficulties / disabilities Alcohol and drug misuse problems A different set of priorities and perspectives g. Neglect by others Neglect by others occurs when either a support worker or a family or friend carer fails to meet someone’s support needs. Neglecting someone you are supposed to be supporting can result from failing to undertake support services. Neglect and failure to care includes: Ignoring medical or physical care needs Failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services Withholding the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate  nutrition and heating. 2. Identify the signs and / or symptoms associated with each type of abuse Physical abuse: bruising or finger marks, fractures, scratches or cuts, pressure ulcers or sores from wet bedding or clothing, black eyes or bruised ears, withdrawal or mood changes, reluctance by the vulnerable adult to be alone with the alleged abuser Sexual abuse: scratches, abrasions or persistent infections in the anal / genital regions, pregnancy, blood or marks on underwear, abdominal pain with no diagnosable cause, provocative sexual behaviour, promiscuity, prostitution, sexual abuse of others, aggression, anxiety, tearfulness, refusal to undress for activities such as swimming / bathing. Emotional / psychological abuse: cared for person fearful of raised voices, distressed if they feel they may be â€Å"in trouble†, cared for person being treated like a child, referring to the cared for person in a derogatory way. Financial abuse: someone is not allowed to manage own financial affairs, person nort made aware of financial matters, very few or no personal possessions, unexplained shortage of money, unexplained disappearance of personal possessions or property, sudden change of a will. Institutional abuse: excessive conformity in daily routines by people using the service such as everybody waking up at around the same time, going to bed at around the same time, having too many similar activities and having meals at the same time. Neglect: medical condition deteriorating unexpectedly or not improving as expected, hypothermia or person cold or dressed inadequately, unexplained loss of weight, clothes or body dirty and smelly, delays in seeking medical attention 3. Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse Individuals can be more vulnerable to abuse because of an infirmity, mental health issues, memory problems, learning difficulties, advanced age, financial problems or lack of knowledge about their rights. Outcome 2Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse 1. Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused There are four key priorities in responding to concerns about  abuse: Priority 1: Protect The most important concern is to ensure that the abused person is safe and protected from any further possibility of abuse. Make sure that any necessary medical treatment is provided, and give reassurance and comfort so that the person knows that they are safe. Priority 2: Report Any abusive situation must be reported to the line manager, or the named person in the workplace procedures for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults. There may be formal reporting procedures in place in the organisation, or you may simply make an initial verbal referral. However, it is essential that you make a full, written report as soon as you can after the event. Priority 3:Ppreserve Preserve any evidence. If this is a potential crime scene, you must be very careful not to destroy any potential evidence. Priority 4: Record an refer Any information you have whether it is simply concerns, hard evidence or an allegation, must be carefully recorded. The evidence should be written down because verbal information can be altered and can have its meaning changed very easily when it is passed on. 2. Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. The priorities in this case are the same as in the case of suspicion. However the first and most important response is that you must believe what you are told. One of the biggest fears of those being abused is that no one will believe them. Confidentiality cannot be always kept in these cases. You must always be clear, when someone alleges abuse, that you cannot promise to keep what they tell you confidential. 3. Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. In case of physical or sexual abuse there is likely to be forensic evidence. These must be preserved by the following actions: Do not clear up Do not wash or clean any part of the room or area in which the alleged abuse took place Do not remove bedding Do not remove any clothes the abused person is wearing Do not allow the person to wash, shower, bathe, brush hair or clean teeth Keep other people out of the room or area If financial abuse is alleged or suspected, ensure that you have not thrown away any papers or documents that could be useful as evidence. Neglect generally speaks for itself, but it is important to preserve living conditions as they were found until they can be recorded and photographed. This does not include the person concerned, any treatment and medical attention needed must be provided. Outcome 3Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse 1. Identify national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse There are a number of national policies designed to protect vulnerable adults from abuse: Criminal Justice Act 1998 Civil action by the victim Care Standards Act 2000 Sexual Offences Act 2003 Family Law Act 1996 Offences Against the Person Act 1861 No Secrets ( England ) , In Safe Hands ( Wales ) Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 ( England and Wales ) Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act 2007 ( Scotland ) ASPA 2007 ( Scotland ) Criminal Injuries Compensation scheme Mental Capacity Act 2005 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Mental Health Act 1983 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Theft Act 1968 National Assistance Act 1984 Fraud Act 2006 Office of the Public Guardian 2. Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse Both nationally and locally, the protection of vulnerable adults forms part of the Safeguarding Adults agenda. Local authorities now have Safeguarding Adults Boards. The local boards are responsible for delivering a multi-agency response to safeguarding adults and to ensure that all partner agencies are recognising and acting on safeguarding issues at a strategic and individual level. The Care Quality Commission regulates and inspects health and social care services including domiciliary and protect the rights of people detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. The Care Quality Commission has a role in identifying situations which give rise of concern that a person or person(s) using a regulated service is or has been at risk of harm, or may receive and allegation or a complaint about a service which could indicate risk of harm. The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) was a non-departmental public body, that existed until 1 December 2012, when it merged with the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) to form the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The DBS enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults, and provides wider access to criminal record information through its disclosure service for England and Wales. 3. Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse There are a number of ‘failures in care’, in the examples bellow in which it is highlited what can happen when a service, or organization fails to protect the persons under their care. The Bichard inquiry into the deaths of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. You can access information on this case from the above link, which will inform you of the outline of the case, the reason for the failure of care, and the enquiry details. This would be adequate to use as an example of ‘failures of care’. Other points of reference: Ofsted Baby P report Amy Howson Report Alfie Goddard Report 4. Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse Your employer will have their own policies relating to abuse, whistle blowing, etc. These policies are you’re ‘working documents’, as they inform your practice on how to meet your responsibilities whilst performing your role. However there are local and national policies relating to abuse, which also have to be considered. Outcome 4Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse 1. Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: a. Working with person centred values Person-centred planning is a process of constant review, learning and listening. Person-centred planning focuses on the immediate and the future, taking into account the needs, thoughts, concerns and opinions of the individual, and consulting their family and friends and others within their ‘personal network’. This person-centred approach helps individuals identify their aspirations, and mobilises those concerned – including their personal network, service agents, non-specialist and non- service sources – to help people pursue their own personal ambitions. Services should, in theory, become more flexible and encouraging active participation. b. Encouraging active participation There are a few steps that can be taken to ensure active participation. These are: FACILITATE: Make contributing easier. Use tasks. Give preparation. INVESTIGATE: Find out why people are not contributing, what would make it easier for them to contribute. Encourage the use of visual aids. CLARIFY: Clarify expectations and objectives. DEMONSTRATE: Show how experience-based learning works. CHANGE: Change the dynamics. Create smaller groups. Silence louder group members. Use temporary rules and gimmicks. CONSULT: Consult the group. Give responsibility. Ask the group to come up with solutions. Be open. Use transparent training. c. Promoting choice and rights This gives the service user the choice to speak out and talk about abuse etc. 2. Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. By having an accessible complaints procedure, you are encouraging the individuals in your care to ‘speak up’, about any issues they may have. They will not feel threatened, inadequate, or guilty, about making a complaint, with no fear of repercussions if they do complain. If the complaints procedure is easily accessible, the individual will be aware of what to do in the event of a complaint, who to complain to, and what will happen next. Outcome 5Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices 1. Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals Unsafe practices that may affect the well being and safety of your service users could include: Poor working practices: This could include not having proper policies to protect the service users, not have correct equipment to perform their role (hoists, ppe, etc). Not working to the current standards, therefore putting service users at risk. Resource difficulties: This could be that staffs are not trained correctly to perform the tasks their role involves. It could be that the ‘home’ is understaffed, as the budget is not there to employ more staff. The staff group may use agency staff, due to sickness, vacancies etc, and the agency staff are not aware of the needs of the individuals. Necessary facilities/equipment is not purchased due to lack of funds, (wheelchairs, disposable gloves, and correct diet for healthy living, utilities (heating and lighting restricted). Operational difficulties: This could be because of staff shortages, so recommended ratio of staff to service users, are not maintained. The staff group may not work as a team, therefore a continuous service is not maintained, and the service delivery suffers. Inexperienced staff ‘acting up’, in a senior role, that may not have the knowledge to perform the role. 2. Explain actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified It is your responsibility to report any unsafe practices, straight away, to your line manager. To â€Å"Blow the Whistle† on somebody or something means to report somebody for doing something wrong or illegal, especially within an organization. Your organization may have a â€Å"Whistle Blowing† policy, which will protect you and your employment if you report your concerns. Ask your manager or supervisor, if unsure, but follow your organizations policies regarding ‘reporting’ different concerns. You can seek advice from the Adult Protection Co- ordinator or lead person for Safeguarding Adults based at your local Authority/Council. All concerns should be reported accurately. If your concerns are not taken seriously, you must try another route. You must ask for help if you feel â€Å"out of your depth† with a particular individual or issue.